Akane Nakajima, 中島 あかね


Akane-chan is happy to be abroad for the first time for filming. She is very popular in “Angle” series as an adulty girl. In this video, sexy scenes are many in the pool and on the beach. These days, Akane-chan has many fans. Long and beautiful legs are not of a 11-year old girl. All staffs feel so charmed and impressed by her cute bikinis. This “bikini location” should not be missed.

「天使の絵日記」中島あかね11才 南国の空にこだまする祝砲, Akane Nakajima

Ai Misaki, 美咲 あい, Akane Nakajima, 中島 あかね

青い空の下から、海風が気持ちいい南の島にいる2人。中島あかねと美咲あいは「天使の絵日記」では、お馴染みの天使たち。最近はファン層も広くなりお互いに頑張っている。お姉さん風の大人びた、あかねちゃんの可愛い水着や、ちょぴり御茶目な、あいちゃんの水着が満点です。是非、この際、二人締めして、 DVDをご覧下さい。あかねちゃんもあいちゃんも頑張って仕事をやっているので、皆さん応援よろしく!

The two are in the southern island, where sky is blue and breeze is pleasant. Akane Nakajima and Ai Misaki are the angels who are well known in “Angel’s Picture Diary” series. These days, there are many ages of fans. Akane-chan like a big sister wears a cute swimsuit and funny Ai-chan wears a swimsuit that fits. You can keep them for yourself if you buy this DVD. Both Akane-chan and Ai-chan work hard. Please be with them.

「天使の絵日記」美咲あい9才・中島あかね11才 泡の中で優しく揺らめく夏の肌, Ai Misaki, Akane Nakajima

Akane Nakajima, 中島 あかね


Akane Nakajima, in a long while, appears in “Angel’s Picture Diary”. She has become 12 years old and will be a junior high student. This is the last video as an elementary school student. But Anake-chan is already so sexy now in a cute bikinis. She played happily in the pool. Staffs were so impressed by her in a tiny triangular bikinis, and everybody “stood up”. This is her memorial DVD celebrating her graduation. I hope she will continue to be a junior idol! A comment from a fan.

「天使の絵日記」中島あかね 12才 あかねの爽やかシェイプアップ, Akane Nakajima