純真可憐な女学生をフィーチャーした「美少女はJC純真可憐」シリーズに、とっても可愛くて可憐な14歳の赤西安未が登場!! イメージ撮影もTバックも初めての彼女が、緊張と恥じらいに潤んだ瞳で震える姿は最高。発展途上のバスト&ヒップも見逃せない!
A cute and lovely 14-year old girl, Aki Akanishi, appears in the series “Beautiful girl is JC, pure and lovely”, which features pure and lovely girl students. Both image shots and T-backs are her first experiences, which trembles her with strain and shyness; never miss it. Her growing busts and hips are excellent!