安西 かな, Kana Anzai

生粋美少女「安西かな」ちゃんがジュニドル卒業となる注目の傑作!!中学生最後の思い出に等身大かなチャンをぎゅっぎゅっと濃縮☆制服をしっとりと脱ぎ捨てるシーンは、まさに卒業!巫女さん衣装はお兄ちゃんのリクエストNo.1に応えて妄想度100% 温泉では、吸い付くスク水が堪りません♪♪

Orthodox beauty, Kana Anzai, is graduating from a junior idol with this masterpiece DVD!! The true memories of last days of junior high school is all packed in☆ Her way of taking her uniform off gently is truly a graduation! The dream of big bros is put a uniform of a maiden of a shrine, the #1 request to us, has now 100% come true. In the hot spring spa, you can’t stand seeing her in a wet school swimsuit clung to her body.

うれしい気持ち 安西かな, Kana Anzai


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