早乙女 萌, Moe Saotome

純真可憐な女学生をフィーチャーしたシリーズ「美少女はJC純真可憐」に、特技がジャズダンスにバスケットボールという元気っ娘、早乙女萌が登場!! 鍛え上げられた健康的で瑞々しいボディを、セクシーにさらけ出す。キュッと持ち上がった形のいいヒップに大注目。

In a series “Beautiful girls are pure and sweet” featuring pure and sweet girl students, Happy and Healthy Moe Saotome appears, who likes jazz dancing and basketball. Her trained healthy body is exposed in sexy ways. Her hips are in a good shape and you will see them.

美少女はJC Vol.11 早乙女萌, Moe Saotome

早乙女 萌, Moe Saotome


A junior high student, Moe Saotome, bit sexy like a lady, appears for the first time. Her gestures, glances, body, her everything is so cute. Your hearts beat when you see her charming hips. By watching the video, you feel as if you were having a bath with Moe-chan. How great!

シャンプー 早乙女萌, Moe Saotome